Event Info
Washington, DC
The primary objective of this study is to describe self- reported work performance among a sample of employees with cancer. Employers in particular have an interest in understanding the impact of different chronic conditions and treatment approaches on a variety of work outcomes such as absence, job performance and periods of work disability. This study focuses on six types of cancer and self- reported productivity outcomes. Across all types of cancer individuals report non- zero work performance loss. Among the six cancer types individuals with breast cancer reported the highest levels of performance loss while those with prostate reported the lowest. Significant variation exists across employers in work performance. These types of work performance losses are usually not included in studies of medical costs, but they are important outcomes for employees, employers, families and society at large. Variation across employers and employees in these types of outcomes, beyond health care costs, warrants further attention. Access to high quality and appropriate treatment may mitigate the effects of work performance loss and prevent longer term periods of work disability and income disruption.